24 September 2010

Who I Am Voting For

Election day is just a little over a month away. If you have a mailbox, an email account, a t.v., an internet connection or a newspaper subscription it is impossible to ignore the fact. And, truth is, you shouldn't. Now is the critical time to do your research and be an educated, empowered voter!

On my ballot there will be a mix of party affiliation, gender, race and age. It's lazy to assume that if you vote a single party ticket that your views as a voter are being considered or represented. These are people that we are entrusting with leadership roles who make decisions that impact our daily lives. We should be informed and know why we are voting a certain way.

Here are the candidates I will be voting for:
  • Those who are brave enough to tell me I can't have everything I want
  • Those who seems to understand that compromise is not a sign of weakness, but rather a way of finding a middle ground and getting things done
  • Those who are a conscientious steward of tax payer money
  • Those who have demonstrated a willingness to work with a diverse group of people and tackle tough issues
  • Those who seem to understand that governing is about process and not platitudes
  • Those who would be willing to admit when they've been wrong or apologize for unintended consequences
  • Those we are willing to try new ideas and talk about their vision for the highest good

I realize this list reads as an idealistic fantasy! We might have a hard time believing there is a candidate out there who is any of these things. But, if that's true than we're much to blame. We've somehow decided that our politicians cannot compromise and they had better not ever be wrong. We want them to promise us more of everything for less and then we are surprised when that isn't possible.

Government is made up of people, just as corporations are. Human beings that are trying to make a meaningful life for themselves and their families. We should respect their efforts and then make a much greater effort to educate ourselves about who and what we are voting for.

See you at the voting booth!

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Houston, TX, United States
I've led a lot and followed plenty of times, too. All these experiences have given me some interesting perspective into what makes someone a leader worth following. And what constitutes ethical leadership? We usually can smell it when's it not, so let's find the examples in the world of people leading in an ethical and authentic way! My passion is community leadership but I think the lessons of leadership transcend place and specifics. I'd love to hear what you think about leadership!